Theta Xi
Theta Xi Round Crest Ornament
On Sale Shop NowTheta Xi Color Crest Afghan Blanket Throw
On Sale Shop NowTheta Xi Mountains Decal
On Sale Shop NowTheta Xi Slanted Grad Stole with Letters & Year
On Sale Shop NowTheta Xi Classic Decal
On Sale Shop NowTheta Xi Classic Bar Decal
On Sale Shop NowWhy Shop the Theta Xi Store?
We know that finding authentic, high-quality fraternity goods can be tough. This is why we’ve worked with hundreds of Theta Xis around the country to develop our merchandise. Thanks to that partnership, we’re proud to offer the highest quality Theta Xi clothing and merchandise that can be found on the planet.
At, we always carry the newest and most popular items that allow you to stay in tune with the upcoming Theta Xi apparel trends and styles. All of our Theta Xi clothing and apparel comes in various sizes, colors, and styles. No matter what you need, our wide selection of Theta Xi goods is here to make finding it easy.
Stay warm during a morning class in our Theta Xi sweatshirts, or hit the gym in one of our sleek and stylish Theta Xi shirts. Coming up to graduation? Outfit yourself and show off all your hard work in one of our Theta Xi graduation stoles, or tell a dedicated brother “thank you” with one of our high-quality and customized Theta Xi hats or bags.
Whether you’re heading out on the town or up on the stage, Greek U is your source for all your authentic, high-quality Theta Xi store. Visit us today to shop our extensive selection or to find a gift for a hard-working brother today.
The History of Theta Xi
Theta Xi was founded in an engineering fraternity. Founded by Peter Henry Fox, Ralph Gooding Packard, Christopher Champlin Waite, George Bradford Brainerd, Samuel Buel Jr., Henry Harrison Farnum, Thomas Cole Raymond, and Nathaniel Henry Starbuck. The founders were original members of Sigma Delta, which was a fraternity founded to rival the incumbent Theta Delta Chi. Since then, the fraternity has established the Theta Xi Foundation, and adopted service projects including The Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis and Habitat for Humanity. Since then, the fraternity has worked hard to raise money for these organizations and to uplift them and their efforts throughout the year.