Tau Beta Sigma Graduation Stoles
Tau Beta Sigma is a sorority that was founded don March 26, 1946 on the campus of Texas Tech University. The sorority is a service organization with over 3,800 active members across 160 chapters. The group is affiliated with Kappa Kappa Psi and the official colors are white and blue.
Tau Beta Sigma members know how important it is to wear their letters at all times, and that includes during graduation. If you're a proud member of Tau Beta Sigma, you'll want the world to know it, especially as you receive your diploma and graduate from college. Wearing a Tau Beta Sigma graduation stole from Greek U is a great way to honor the group that has helped you so much during your undergraduate years. Stoles also make great keepsakes and our graduation stoles are especially beautiful with the Tau Beta Sigma colors and letters appearing on each one. Order a classic graduation stole with your group's letters on the side or choose a customizable option that includes your year of graduation. In addition to stoles, we also carry graduation cords in blue and white to tie the Tau Beta Sigma colors into your graduation attire.