Kappa Alpha Notebooks
Greek U has a great selection of Kappa Alpha custom portfolios available for sale. Whether you purchase a Kappa Alpha portfolio as a graduation gift or as a best-of-luck present for a KA who has started a new job, he'll love this one-of-a-kind thoughtful gift. These high-quality Kappa Alpha portfolios are available in faux leatherette, modern cork or durable canvas construction.
Each portfolio holds a notepad and storage so you can keep your notes, pens and business cards in one place. Order one (or several) of these Kappa Alpha portfolios to give away during rush week or during special occasions throughout the year. Several styles can be personalized for an extra-special and useful gift they'll reach for again and again throughout their careers. Show your loyalty to the Kappa Alpha Order with Greek U's selection of portfolios. While you're here, don't miss our other KA Greek apparel and accessories for home, school and the office.